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Using Data and Variable Messaging to Rethink the Direct Marketing 40/40/20 Rule
The 40/40/20 rule was developed over 60 years ago by direct marketing pioneer Ed Mayer to convey the value each element of a direct mail effort contributes toward driving results. The rule purports that 40% of direct mail success is attributed to the mailing list, 40% from the offer and the remaining 20% from the format, design and copy of the mail piece.
Direct Mail Marketing by Generation
The Greatest Generation communicated by landline telephones. Millennials discovered the power of the internet. Those in Generation Z acquired their first mobile phones before they reached their 13th birthdays.
Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing
Direct mail is not dead. In fact, after rushing to digital advertising, many marketers are finding great success by returning to direct mail as a key component of their marketing campaigns.
How Strategic Distributed Marketing Benefits Businesses of All Types
Now that we’ve defined what distributed marketing is, let’s talk about why it matters to you. Distributed marketing allows you to extend your brand value to your local channel partners to increase sales and marketing ROI. Through the use of technology, processes and automation, you can unload the management burdens with these partners while gaining many advantages. Benefits of distributed marketing include a reduction in project management time and resources, convenient warehouse storage and streamlined marketing and billing processes.
What is Distributed Marketing, and How Does It Work?
You may have heard the phrase “distributed marketing” and thought, “What is distributed marketing? And how does it work? Is it a good solution for my business?”
Meet Michael Spalding: Executive Vice President - COO/CTO
After joining the Phoenix Innovate (PI) team in 2019 as the company's Chief Technology and Compliance Officer, Michael Spalding is now the Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer.
PI Participates in Adopt a Family Program to Brighten the Holiday for 6 Children, Several Local Seniors
We feel so honored to once again be able to help a local family for the holiday season through the Community Housing Network’s Adopt a Family Program.
UN Communications Group Acquired by Phoenix Innovate to Increase Capability, Add Value for Clients
Phoenix Innovate (PI), a leading marketing communications firm headquartered in Troy, Mich., has acquired Carmel, Ind.-based UN Communications Group, Inc. The leadership and staff at UN will remain on and are thrilled to integrate the strengths of both companies with a focus toward creating a new standard for effective marketing solutions.
Meet John Holloway, Vice President of Infrastructure and Security
With over 25 years of experience in IT infrastructure, operations and security, John Holloway is the perfect fit for our technology team. In his role as the Vice President of Infrastructure and Security, John is responsible for infrastructure, managing all application server platforms, connectivity and resource availability across the entire family of Phoenix Innovate (PI) companies.
New Warehouse Added to Accommodate Growing Demand for Distributed Marketing Services
Over the past 10 years, consumers have become very familiar with online order fulfillment through companies like Amazon and Walmart. This trend accelerated over the past few years due to consumers’ increased dependence on online shopping through the pandemic.
Driving More Results with the Principles of Visual Hierarchy
We all live in a visual world and studies have shown that to connect with consumers, a strong approach to the visual impact is key.
Meet Lena Khzouz, Content Marketing Specialist
The marketing team has grown at Phoenix Innovate (PI)! We are excited to welcome Lena Khzouz as a Content Marketing Specialist.