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Looking for a Regulatory Compliance Communications Provider? Here are a Few Qualities That Will Help
Marketing for healthcare practices, schools and nonprofit organizations requires unique and innovative approaches. Promoting these organizations and helping them maintain relationships with existing patients, students or donors requires a gentle balance between data-based insights, personalization and a strong focus on protecting their sensitive information.
How Strategic Distributed Marketing Benefits Businesses of All Types
Now that we’ve defined what distributed marketing is, let’s talk about why it matters to you. Distributed marketing allows you to extend your brand value to your local channel partners to increase sales and marketing ROI. Through the use of technology, processes and automation, you can unload the management burdens with these partners while gaining many advantages. Benefits of distributed marketing include a reduction in project management time and resources, convenient warehouse storage and streamlined marketing and billing processes.
What is Distributed Marketing, and How Does It Work?
You may have heard the phrase “distributed marketing” and thought, “What is distributed marketing? And how does it work? Is it a good solution for my business?”
New Warehouse Added to Accommodate Growing Demand for Distributed Marketing Services
Over the past 10 years, consumers have become very familiar with online order fulfillment through companies like Amazon and Walmart. This trend accelerated over the past few years due to consumers’ increased dependence on online shopping through the pandemic.
Meet Michael Mahalak, VP of Information Technology, Print and Development
With 37 years of experience in data processing and IT, Mike Mahalak brings a wealth of skills and practice to his role as Vice President of Information Technology in Print and Development. He brings proven expertise in variable digital print solutions, application solutions, database development, database architecture, data security, warehousing, fulfillment, performance tuning, compliance auditing and team leadership.
Using Through Channel Marketing Automation for Brand Integration to Support Your Sales Partners
Many brands have diverse sales partnerships in which businesses and consumers purchase their products or services. It’s estimated that more than 75% of the worldwide trade (WTO) flows through some kind if indirect sales or distribution channel reselling the product and/or services of a primary brand.
Meet Brent Doyle, Director of Web Development
With more than 17 years of experience and a strong leadership mindset, Brent is the definition of a self-starter. He joins the Phoenix Innovate team as director of web development from Avanzado, where he was the director of software engineering.
New 7-station Intelligent Inserting System Helps Execute Data-Driven Direct Mail Campaigns
Each combination of inserted messages can be specific to each recipient, based on marketing data analytics.