Meet Melanie Madurski, Human Resources Specialist

Melanie Madurski had been a part of Phoenix Innovate (PI) as a Client Relations Coordinator with EMPOWER for more than 12 years. Due to PI’s continued growth, however, it became evident that we needed someone with a core focus on Human Resources functions, and Melanie had the perfect combination of experience and skills to fit the bill.

Meet John Holloway, Vice President of Infrastructure and Security

With over 25 years of experience in IT infrastructure, operations and security, John Holloway is the perfect fit for our technology team. In his role as the Vice President of Infrastructure and Security, John is responsible for infrastructure, managing all application server platforms, connectivity and resource availability across the entire family of Phoenix Innovate (PI) companies. 

Phoenix Innovate Achieves HITRUST CSF® Certification

Phoenix Innovate is excited to announce that key implemented systems have earned HITRUST certification. Because Phoenix Innovate is a full-service marketing firm with solutions that require the handling of sensitive client and member data for complex compliance, regulatory and privacy requirements, this certification is further proof of the company’s dedication to client data protection.

Meet Michael Mahalak, VP of Information Technology, Print and Development

With 37 years of experience in data processing and IT, Mike Mahalak brings a wealth of skills and practice to his role as Vice President of Information Technology in Print and Development. He brings proven expertise in variable digital print solutions, application solutions, database development, database architecture, data security, warehousing, fulfillment, performance tuning, compliance auditing and team leadership. 

Meet Krissy Varney, Technical Writer

Krissy Varney, Phoenix Innovate’s crack new technical writer, draws from more than 20 years of experience as an IT manager, project coordinator and communications specialist. Prior to joining Phoenix, Krissy worked for Dialog Direct in several different IT roles from 1999 to 2021. 

Protecting Your Donors’ Data

High-profile data breaches expose how vulnerable even organizations with sophisticated IT departments can be to attacks from outside. But you don’t have to be a large organization to be concerned about  data privacy.  Protecting data for nonprofits is just as important and can be especially risky when dealing with marketing vendors.