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Higher Education Marketing: How Data Insights and Personalization Can Be Key to Increasing Enrollment
In higher education marketing, data insights and personalization are powerful factors in increasing enrollment rates and your overall return on investment.
Looking for a Regulatory Compliance Communications Provider? Here are a Few Qualities That Will Help
Marketing for healthcare practices, schools and nonprofit organizations requires unique and innovative approaches. Promoting these organizations and helping them maintain relationships with existing patients, students or donors requires a gentle balance between data-based insights, personalization and a strong focus on protecting their sensitive information.
What is HITRUST Certification and Why Does It Matter So Much for Healthcare Marketing?
As a healthcare professional, you most certainly are familiar with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), as well as regulations you must follow according to the rule. However, HITRUST is not as well-known, so you may be asking yourself, “What is HITRUST certification anyway, and how does it affect me, my practice and our marketing efforts?”
Patient Acquisition, HIPAA and Google Analytics: How Direct Response Marketing Can Address Digital Advertising Challenges
Digital advertising is not what it used to be, especially in the healthcare industry.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Complying with FERPA and Protecting Higher Education Students in Today’s Technology-Driven World
Schools have an obligation to protect the privacy of students and families, but in today’s technology-driven world, it has become a challenge. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) outlines how administrators and faculty can secure families’ private information, but increased cyberthreats and cyberattacks have posed a challenge for both K-12 and secondary schools.
Fundraising Concepts that Increase Engagement Among Generation Z and Millennial Audiences
The landscape of nonprofit donor demographics is changing, as millennials and Gen Zers are increasingly becoming more engaged with organizations that they believe in.
Digital Tracking Technologies and HIPAA Regulations
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has been in place to protect patients since 1996, but technology and personal data access has expanded exponentially since then. Today, digital tracking technologies and other online communications can create a “fingerprint” or digital ID of a person’s healthcare digital interactions, which expose sensitive information that has allowed some marketers to leverage this private data to achieve their objectives.
Benefits of Using Direct Mail as Part of a Multichannel Marketing Strategy
In our previous blogs we have discussed how direct mail marketing can be five to nine times more effective than digital advertising.
Using Data and Variable Messaging to Rethink the Direct Marketing 40/40/20 Rule
The 40/40/20 rule was developed over 60 years ago by direct marketing pioneer Ed Mayer to convey the value each element of a direct mail effort contributes toward driving results. The rule purports that 40% of direct mail success is attributed to the mailing list, 40% from the offer and the remaining 20% from the format, design and copy of the mail piece.
Direct Mail Marketing by Generation
The Greatest Generation communicated by landline telephones. Millennials discovered the power of the internet. Those in Generation Z acquired their first mobile phones before they reached their 13th birthdays.
Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing
Direct mail is not dead. In fact, after rushing to digital advertising, many marketers are finding great success by returning to direct mail as a key component of their marketing campaigns.
What is Distributed Marketing, and How Does It Work?
You may have heard the phrase “distributed marketing” and thought, “What is distributed marketing? And how does it work? Is it a good solution for my business?”