Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: Complying with FERPA and Protecting Higher Education Students in Today’s Technology-Driven World

Schools have an obligation to protect the privacy of students and families, but in today’s technology-driven world, it has become a challenge. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) outlines how administrators and faculty can secure families’ private information, but increased cyberthreats and cyberattacks have posed a challenge for both K-12 and secondary schools. 

Meet Melanie Madurski, Human Resources Specialist

Melanie Madurski has been a part of Phoenix Innovate (PI) as a Client Relations Coordinator with EMPOWER for more than 12 years. Due to PI’s continued growth, however, it became evident that we needed someone with a core focus on Human Resources functions, and Melanie had the perfect combination of experience and skills to fit the bill.

Digital Tracking Technologies and HIPAA Regulations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has been in place to protect patients since 1996, but technology and personal data access has expanded exponentially since then. Today, digital tracking technologies and other online communications can create a “fingerprint” or digital ID of a person’s healthcare digital interactions, which expose sensitive information that has allowed some marketers to leverage this private data to achieve their objectives.