Digital Tracking Technologies and HIPAA Regulations

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has been in place to protect patients since 1996, but technology and personal data access has expanded exponentially since then. Today, digital tracking technologies and other online communications can create a “fingerprint” or digital ID of a person’s healthcare digital interactions, which expose sensitive information that has allowed some marketers to leverage this private data to achieve their objectives. 

HITRUST Certification and Marketing Solutions: Security Protocols that Enhance Insurance and Medical Clients’ Peace of Mind

Medical practices and insurance companies can face devastating ramifications when private data is released due to data breaches, including thousands of dollars in fines, millions of dollars in business loss, diminishing of the business’s reputation and the stress of having patients’ health care information compromised.

Phoenix Innovate Achieves HITRUST CSF® Certification

Phoenix Innovate is excited to announce that key implemented systems have earned HITRUST certification. Because Phoenix Innovate is a full-service marketing firm with solutions that require the handling of sensitive client and member data for complex compliance, regulatory and privacy requirements, this certification is further proof of the company’s dedication to client data protection.

Protecting Your Donors’ Data

High-profile data breaches expose how vulnerable even organizations with sophisticated IT departments can be to attacks from outside. But you don’t have to be a large organization to be concerned about  data privacy.  Protecting data for nonprofits is just as important and can be especially risky when dealing with marketing vendors.