Data Leakage Protection: How to Boost Security and Employ Successful Marketing Strategies

Organizations hoping to boost their brands and increase their ROI may be concerned about the security of their data, especially considering all the different ways data can be leaked today. It is possible, however, to employ data leakage protection strategies and effectively market your brand at the same time; you just have to be careful about who has access to the data. 

Using Data and Variable Messaging to Rethink the Direct Marketing 40/40/20 Rule

The 40/40/20 rule was developed over 60 years ago by direct marketing pioneer Ed Mayer to convey the value each element of a direct mail effort contributes toward driving results. The rule purports that 40% of direct mail success is attributed to the mailing list, 40% from the offer and the remaining 20% from the format, design and copy of the mail piece.