Using Through Channel Marketing Automation for Brand Integration to Support Your Sales Partners

Through Channel Marketing Automation can help.

Many brands have diverse sales partnerships in which businesses and consumers purchase their products or services. It’s estimated that more than 75% of the worldwide trade (WTO) flows through some kind if indirect sales or distribution channel reselling the product and/or services of a primary brand.

These indirect partnerships (think retailers, dealers, franchisees, distributors, branches, or resellers) form a Distributed Marketing ecosystem that allow national brands to benefit from the local market knowledge of their indirect partners. These local market allies build relationships and provide expertise for the products or services they sell. 

However, this sales approach provides major challenges to the national brand. Local business owners lack the resources and expertise to take advantage of the national brand’s value and often struggle to properly align their marketing efforts. This makes it difficult for brands to market effectively through these local partners, which is why there is a significant need for Through Channel Marketing Automation (TCMA) software platforms.

Through Channel Marketing Automation, also called Distributed Marketing platforms, are a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) marketing platform solution that enables brands to scale advertising and local marketing messaging efficiently and economically through their distributed marketing networks of indirect partners. 

There are many industries that utilize the benefits of TCMA, but the top five are automotive, healthcare, technology/telecommunications, manufacturing, and retail/franchising. 

Phoenix Innovate has developed TCMA solutions for brands like Stellantis, Bosch, Kia, BASF, WinSupply and Domino’s to dramatically change how they provide marketing support to their partners. 

These solutions revolutionized the distributed marketing approach by providing the software, services, and marketing channel automation support needed to make it easier for their partners to market their brand and generate sales.

Our applications aggregate and centralize very complex single-point solutions into one comprehensive TCMA platform. The core features of these applications are ad builders; creating, selecting, and customizing brand-approved marketing campaigns that include local content; digital asset management; fulfillment and execution of digital marketing campaigns; text and email marketing engines; print and direct mail production; Co-Op Advertising funding; and local marketing analytics. 

Many clients benefit from the addition of custom integrations from our core application to utilize corporate data systems that manage customer contacts, transaction activity and sales reporting.

TCMA enables partners of all types, numbers, and sizes to leverage content, messaging, branding, and demand generation marketing campaigns in their local markets. Providing indirect partners with access to a large array of content — whether it be logos, images, customizable content, raw files, marketing campaigns, etc. — is critical for implementing the personalized messaging that is key to engaging consumers and driving sales.

Benefits of a Through Channel Marketing Automation Platform

If your brand is facing challenges with your partners engaging with your marketing campaigns, consider how TCMA can help. This technology can become a critical component of your marketing efforts and transform your internal processes as well as how you market through your indirect partners. 

These platforms offer increased speed to market, decreased partner expense and better insight for the brands into what is working and what isn’t so they can optimize marketing spend.

By aligning these factors together, companies can use these related channels to enhance their marketing and service efforts. TCMA is a valuable asset for businesses looking to deliver a more powerful customer experience in a competitive environment.

Driving marketing efficiency, brand awareness, leads, and most importantly sales will positively impact your bottom line.

Mark M Gaskill
Mark M Gaskill

EVP of Marketing Solutions

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