5 Content Marketing Steps to Grow Your Business

In 2020, 84% of companies surveyed by SEO and data management firm Semrush said they have a content marketing strategy. Only 51% of those same respondents, though, considered their strategy “good.” Many C-level executives are vaguely aware of the mantra “Content is King,” yet are not quite sure how to implement a successful content strategy, let alone how to measure that success. 

Post Pandemic Hiring: Employee-Centric Messaging, Talent On Demand & Work-Life Integration

With a record-shattering 4.3% of the American workforce quitting their jobs in August alone, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the post-pandemic workplace has changed for good. COVID-19 and the sudden shift to work-from-home demonstrated that responsive employers can retain staff, but they also showed Americans’ willingness to walk away from jobs that make them unhappy. It’s safe to say that COVID changed candidate and employer expectations about what work should look like. So how do we recruit in a world post-covid?

Meet Christopher DuBach, EVP of Sales and Business Development

Phoenix Innovate’s new Executive Vice President of Sales and Business Development, Christopher DuBach, brings a wealth of global sales and digital print experience to his role. In fact, Chris is quite familiar with the PI team, having worked with us for years previous to joining us as EVP. For more than 25 years, Chris worked for the most prominent global equipment manufacturers in the digital print industry. As such, his thorough knowledge of the industry and its practices runs deep. This experience will be invaluable to Phoenix Innovate’s clients and will provide unique market insights for the next evolution of marketing solutions. 

Meet Michael Mahalak, VP of Information Technology, Print and Development

With 37 years of experience in data processing and IT, Mike Mahalak brings a wealth of skills and practice to his role as Vice President of Information Technology in Print and Development. He brings proven expertise in variable digital print solutions, application solutions, database development, database architecture, data security, warehousing, fulfillment, performance tuning, compliance auditing and team leadership. 

Using Through Channel Marketing Automation for Brand Integration to Support Your Sales Partners

Many brands have diverse sales partnerships in which businesses and consumers purchase their products or services. It’s estimated that more than 75% of the worldwide trade (WTO) flows through some kind if indirect sales or distribution channel reselling the product and/or services of a primary brand.

Meet Krissy Varney, Technical Writer

Krissy Varney, Phoenix Innovate’s crack new technical writer, draws from more than 20 years of experience as an IT manager, project coordinator and communications specialist. Prior to joining Phoenix, Krissy worked for Dialog Direct in several different IT roles from 1999 to 2021. 

For Hard-Hit Healthcare Recruiters, a Few Solutions Offer Hope

The healthcare industry in America is facing an extraordinary staffing crisis. A 2021 Mercer study forecasts a shortage of nearly 450,000 home health aides and nearly 30,000 nurse practitioners. There will likely be continued shortages across the healthcare industry, a combined effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, already extant staff shortages and employee burnout. 

The Big Shift is here. Are you ready to meet it?

In the post-pandemic business world, many businesses are struggling to keep up with consumer and commercial demands. During much of 2020 and the first half of 2021, consumers’ disposable income and online shopping habits placed major strains on supply chains across all industries. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the retail world. E-commerce has grown two to five times faster in the past 18 months than in the year preceding the pandemic. Warehouses and fulfillment centers across the country struggle to re-fill shelves with consumer goods in high demand. 

Meet Ken Guldi, Vice President of Operations

Ken Guldi’s well-rounded set of skills will fit in well within Phoenix Innovate’s vibrant culture. Ken brings 33 years of experience in all aspects of what it takes to execute print and mail solutions for our clients. In his Operations Management role Ken will be able to utilize his talents combined with the resources of Phoenix to ensure we continue to meet or exceed our clients’ expectations. 

One year into a pandemic, change is here to stay

Last March, as the impacts of the coronavirus lockdowns were just beginning to be seen, we wrote here imploring nonprofits to hunker down, stay true to the mission, and keep on fundraising. It’s been a wild ride since then, but as the world starts to open back up, now is a good time to revisit that sentiment — and to craft a strong plan to move forward.